Tests and Price List
USGA Physical Analysis (Sample size 1 gallon)
Price: $365.00
Physical analysis of root zone mix. Includes complete particle size analysis, bulk density, particle density, total porosity, air-filled porosity, capillary porosity, percolation rate, organic matter content, and acid reaction. (ASTM F-1815-11, ASTM F-1632-03).
NOTE: This test is designed for the testing of engineered sand-based mixes and is not suited for finer texture soils that contain high amounts of silt, clay, and/or organic matter.
Particle Size Analysis (Sample size 1 quart)
Price: $125.00
Gravel, sand, silt, and clay with sand size distribution, sand particle shape, D85, D15, and Uniformity Coefficient (Cu). (ASTM F-1632-03 or ASTM D-422-63/ASTM D-7928-17)
Percolation Rate (Sample size 1 gallon)
Price: $85.00
Saturated hydraulic conductivity on sands or root zone mixes. (ASTM F-1815-11)
NOTE: Due to the level of compaction required by ASTM F-1815, this test is not well suited for soils high in silt, clay, and/or organic matter. A more appropriate measure of percolation rate for soils with these characteristics is the combination of the Proctor test with percolation rate.
Soil Textural Analysis (Sample size 1 quart)
Price: $85.00
Sand, silt, and clay by pipette method (ASTM F-1632-03 or ASTM D-422-63/ASTM D-7928-17).
Organic Matter (Sample size 1 pint)
Price: $30.00
Percent organic matter on root zone soil by combustion. (ASTM F-1647-11, Method A)
Organic Matter Quality (Sample size 1 quart)
Price: $40.00
Moisture, ash, and organic matter content of peat or other organic soil. Includes water holding capacity. (ASTM D2974-07)
Quality Control (Sample size 1/2 gallon)
Price: $120.00
Particle size (silt and clay combined), and organic matter content of root zone soil. Call ahead to assure one day turnaround.
Bunker Sand Analysis (Sample size 1.5 gallons)
Price: $220.00
Particle size analysis, particle shape, fried egg lie, crusting potential, color, and percolation rate (ASTM F-1815-11, ASTM F-1632-03).
Baseball Infield Mix Analysis (Sample size 1 quart)
Price: $125.00
Particle size analysis including silt-to-clay ratio. (ASTM F-1632-03 or ASTM D-422-63/ASTM D-7928-17)
Topsoil Quality (Sample size 1/2 gallon)
Price: $140.00
Includes textural analysis, organic content, nutrient analysis, and pH.
Proctor Test (ASTM D-698-12) (Sample size 5 gallons)
Price: $260.00
Standard Compaction Effort - ASTM D-698
Plus Percolation Rate (ASTM F-1815-11 - modified for compaction level per ASTM D-698-12)
Price: $340.00
(Proctor Test with Modified Effort - ASTM D-1557-12 - Price: $260.00)
Gravel Particle Size (Sample size 1 gallon)
Price: $95.00
Sieve analysis of gravel and bridging with root zone. D15 and Uniformity Coefficient (Cu). (ASTM C136-14)
Nutrient Analysis (through Penn State AASL) (Sample size 1 pint)
Price: $20.00
Includes pH, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, base saturation, CEC, and lime requirement.
Plus micronutrient analysis
Price: $40.00
Includes all tests listed under nutrient analysis plus plant-available manganese, iron, copper, and zinc.
Turfgrass Tissue Analysis (through Penn State AASL) (Sample size 1 pint)
Price: $30.00
Includes nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, manganese, iron, copper, boron, aluminum, zinc, and sodium.
pH (Sample size 1 pint)
Price: $5.00
(1:1 soil:water)
Soluble Salts (EC) (Sample size 1 pint)
Price: $5.00
(1:2 soil:water)
Landscape Soil Test Packages (Sample size 1 gallon)
S1 Package Price: $180.00
Includes particle size analysis, organic matter, soluble salts, pH, and nutrient analysis
S2 Package Price: $165.00
Includes particle size analysis, organic matter, soluble salts, and pH
S3 Package Price: $160.00
Includes particle size analysis, organic matter, and pH
Prices effective January 1, 2025
***We can also perform tests in addition to those listed, please contact us for more details***
When sending cup-cutter or intact core samples, please see How to Send a Sample.