How to Send a Sample

1. Prepare 
    Place soil in a 1-gallon Ziploc bag and place first bag into a second 1-gallon Ziploc bag (double-bagged)
    ***The amount of soil required for each test can be found on the Test and Price List page.***

2. Identify 
    Clearly mark the Sample ID on both Ziploc bags (labeling can rub off during transit)

3. Secure 
    Duct-tape or staple the bags after securing the Ziploc top

4. Pack 
    Pack bags with Soil Sample Submission Form tight into a box using balled up newspaper or equivalent 
    packing material

5. Ship
    Send us an email  with the tracking number so that we can notify you when the samples arrive
    ***To expedite the testing process, please do not select "signature required" for delivery of parcels***

Send sample to:
A. McNitt & SerenSoil Testing
1338 Deerfield Drive
State College, PA 16803

Instructions for Sending Cup-Cutter Samples
Samples from existing fields or greens can be removed with a standard golf cup-cutter (4" or 6") and submitted for analysis.  Each entire sample should be individually wrapped first with paper towels and then, secondly, with several layers of aluminum foil.  Label each sample with the Sample ID.  Pack samples tightly with newspaper in a shipping box to ensure the samples will not be disturbed in transit.

Instructions for Sending Intact Core Samples
Intact core samples can also be submitted for analysis. Core tubes should be 2 inch inside diameter schedule 40 PVC pipe so that the core tubes will fit our testing devices. 

Four pipes are required from each area to be tested. The four sample pipes should be extracted from an area of about one square meter. Contact us for details on depth.

The typical pipe sample test procedure is to cut one of the four pipes lengthwise to show the soil profile.  Based on examination of the profile and any layers present, samples for particle size distribution and organic matter content will be removed.  The other three pipe samples from the location will be cut to allow for hydraulic conductivity testing in the "as-is" condition on the top 3" of the soil profile. 

1. Sharpen one end of the tube with a grinding wheel and drill a hole in the opposite end so that a bar can be inserted through the pipe for removal of the sample from the field.

2. After removing the sample, pack the turf end of the tube with balled up newspaper or paper towels and duct tape both ends of the pipes  - do not use cotton or other materials for packing as they interfere with the saw blade used to cut the pipes.  Also, do not cut the top of the pipe even with the turf - some empty space above the turf is required for the test procedure.

3. On each pipe, label which side is "up" (turf end).  Be sure pipes are packed tightly into box to reduce movement during transport.

*A $75 processing and sample preparation fee is charged per group of 4 pipe samples